Double Degree Program

Double Degree Pavia-Belgrano
Universidad de Belgrano Logo.

The University of Pavia and the Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, have established an agreement whereby students of either university can spend a year at the partner institution with a view to obtaining a double degree (Laurea Magistralis in World Politics and International Relations in Italy; Licenciatura en Relaciones Internacionales in Argentina).

Buenos Aires

Eligibility requirements for the double degree program:

  • A bachelor’s degree in political sciences and/or international relations;
  • Good working knowledge of Spanish (most of the teaching in Buenos Aires is in Spanish).

Pavia students initially enrolled in World Politics and International Relations who follow this special program will spend their first semester in Pavia, their second and third semesters in Buenos Aires (corresponding to the Argentinian academic year), and their fourth semester in Pavia, concentrating primarily on their thesis.

Courses on offer in Buenos Aires include:
- Politica exterior argentina y americana
- Organismos internacionales
- Teoria y práctica diplomática y consular
- Movimeintos Políticos y  Sociales Contemporaneos
- Conflictos Internacionales y Seguridad Global 
- Habilitacion profesional

If you are interested in enrolling in this double degree program you need to indicate it at the appropriate place on the application form when applying to join the Pavia program in World Politics and International Relations. The University can accept up to four students a year for this double-degree program.


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