Trasferimenti e passaggi

These are the steps :

  • You have to submit an application with an evaluation of your previous university career request for admission with an evaluation of your previous university career 
  • The Teaching Board of your course will evaluate the exams you have already taken and it will establish the year of admission. 
  • Once you have received the decision of the Teaching Board, and you decide to transfer to our university, you have to submit a request to transfer to the university where you are currently enrolled and matriculate at our university following the guidelines you will be given by the administration offices.  

You will be asked to pay a fee of 35 euros. The Student Administration Office usually sends the applying student the decision of the Teaching Board within 45 days of receipt of the request, together with the necessary documentation. 

Be careful: for courses with fixed numbers there must be places available. Follow the guidelines in the public calls. 

To change from one course to another consult here the procedure.

Information regarding transfers to other universities can be found on this page.