Elenco docenti

arisi rota

Arianna Arisi Rota is a Full Professor of Contemporary History. Her research interests include the evolution of the diplomatic machinery from the late 18th to the 20th century, its relations with regime-change and transition, and Nation and State-building processes. She is the author of, among others, La diplomazia del Ventennio (Milan, 1990), the editor of Formare alle professioni. Diplomatici e politici (Milan, 2009), and the author of several journal articles on diplomatic corps, diplomats, and scholarly research on diplomacy from modern to contemporary time. She is the co-editor of the forthcoming collection of essays Disguising Disease in Italian Political and Visual Culture: Form Post-Unification to Covid-19 (New York-London, 2025). She is a member of France-based international research groups and of Italian national funded projects. In 2009 she was a Visiting Professor at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, and in 2016 at the Institut des Etudes Politiques (IEP) of the University of Aix-en-Provence/Marseille. A member of the board of Pavia University School for High PhD Training, she is also Departmental delegate for Research activities.


Further information is available here.

Marco Barducci is Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track) in the History of Political Thought. He is also an Honorary Fellow at the Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (Durham University) and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (FRHistS). Prior to joining Pavia, he held academic positions at Durham University, the University of Roma Tre, the Interdisciplinary Centre for European Enlightenment Studies (Martin-Luther-Universität), the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton), the Folger Institute (Washington, DC), the University of Florence, and the Fondazione Luigi Firpo, Centro Studi sul Pensiero Politico (Turin). His publications include Hugo Grotius and the Century of Revolution (1613 –1718). Transnational Reception in English Political Thought (Oxford University Press, 2017); Order and Conflict. Anthony Ascham and English Political Thought, 1648-1650 (Manchester University Press, 2015), Oliver Cromwell negli Scritti Italiani del Seicento (Centro Editoriale Toscano, 2005). His most recent articles have appeared in Il Pensiero Politico, Quaderni di scienza politica, and Storia del pensiero politico.

Further information is available here.


Axel Berkofsky is Associate Professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences University of Pavia.
Axel Berkofsky is also Co-Head of the Asia Work Programme at the Istituto per gli Studi di Politica
Internazionale (ISPI) in Milan, Executive Committee Board Member at the Stockholm-based
European Japan Advanced Research Network and Executive Committee member of the Canon
Foundation in Europe.
Previously, Dr. Berkofsky was Senior Policy Analyst and Associate Policy Analyst at the Brussels-
based European Policy Centre (EPC), Research Fellow at the Brussels- based European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS).
Axel Berkofsky has published books, numerous papers, articles and essays in journals, newspapers
and magazines and has lectured and taught at numerous think tanks, research institutes and
universities in Europe and Asia.
His research interests are amongst others Chinese history, Japanese and Chinese foreign and security policies, Chinese history, Asian security and EU-Asia relations.


Further information is available here.

Ian Carter is a Full Professor of Political Philosophy. His research interests include the concepts of freedom, equality, rights, and respect for persons. He is the author of A Measure of Freedom (Oxford University Press, 1999) and La libertà eguale (Feltrinellli 2005), and the editor of a number of volumes, including Freedom: A Philosophical Anthology (Blackwell, 2007), with Matthew Kramer and Hillel Steiner. His most recent articles have appeared in the Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Social Philosophy and Policy, Economics and Philosophy, Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, and Ethics. In the past he has been a Visiting Fellow at Nuffield College Oxford and Churchill College Cambridge.

Further information is available here.


Marco Clementi is Full Professor of International Relations. He holds a Phd from the University of Florence "Cesare Alfieri". Former member of the Steering Committee of the Italian Political Science Association, he chairs the Master in World Politics and International Relations of the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Pavia. His main research interests include the theory of international relations, with a special emphasis on the theories of hegemony, security institutions and organizations, and food security. He has published in peer-reviewed national and international journals. He is the author of “L’Europa e il mondo. La politica estera, di sicurezza e di difesa europea” (Il Mulino, 2004), "Primi fra pari. Egemonia, guerra e ordine internazionale" (Il Mulino 2011), "Relazioni Internazionali" (Il Mulino 2012, with F. Andreatta, A. Colombo, M. Koenig-Archibugi and V.E. Parsi), “La politica dell’abbondanza. Cibo, sicurezza alimentare e relazioni internazionali” (Mondadori 2024, with Martino Tognocchi) ; and, editor of "US Foreign Policy in a Challenging World. Building Order on Shifting Foundations" (Springer-Verlag, with M. Dian and B. Pisciotta 2018).

Further information is available here.

Gianni Del Panta

Gianni Del Panta is Junior Assistant Professor of Political Science. He holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Politics from the University of Siena. Before joining the University of Pavia, he was research fellow at the Scuola Normale Superiore. His main research interests include the study of political regimes and revolutionary movements. He has published in international journals such as Democratization; Government and Opposition; Contemporary Politics; Territory, Politics, Governance; Middle East Critique; and Review of African Political Economy. He is the author of L’Egitto tra rivoluzione e controrivoluzione. Da piazza Tahrir al colpo di stato di una borghesia in armi (Il Mulino, 2019).

Further information is available here.


Anna Facchinetti is fixed-term Assistant Professor of International Law, conducting research on the human right to food under the National Extended Partnership OnFoods. She holds a PhD in “Public Law, Criminal and International Justice” from the University of Pavia. Her research interests cover human rights, reparations for human rights violations, and immunities of States and their officials in international law. In 2022 she was visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Comparative Procedural Law, and in 2023 at the Université de Montréal, Faculty of Law. In 2020 she took part to the Centre for Studies and Research of The Hague Academy of International Law on the topic of epidemics in international law, with a research project on State immunity in epidemic-related domestic lawsuits.

Further information is available here.

Katarzyna Joanna Gromek- Broc is Associate Professor in EU Law Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali (DSPS)
Vloeberghs Chair in Law, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), 2019-2021
Jean Monnet Module Bid Winner EU Law in Managing Migration 2020
Jean Monnet Modules (team work) 2021, 2022, PRIM 2023 (member of a team)

Research interests:
EU Environmental Protection, European Green Deal, Sustainable Farming, Energy Policy
EU Law: Migration, Readmission Agreement, Vulnerable Groups, Unaccompanied Minors,
Trafficking in Human Beings, Minorities’ Rights, the CEAS System;
Constitutional Aspects of the EU, Rule of Law, Brexit and its Implications, EU Employment
Law, Social Policy, Health Law
European Standards & International Human Rights: Protection of Children, Issues on Migration, Child-friendly Justice, Migration and legal Protection of Migrants, environmental migrants
Labour Law, EU and International context (Discrimination at Work: Grounds Not Specifically Prohibited by Statute) Social Pillar and Digitalisation of Work, Working Conditions, AI
Bioethics and Human Rights: Coordination and Harmonisation at the EU Level, Medical
Responsibility, Legal Dilemma in Medical Research
Legal Education in Europe: Bologna Process, Students Active Learning: PBLs, Simulations, Creative Learning, Clinical Legal Education: Working with Human Rights Defenders

Further information is available here.


Nevena Kulic (PhD in Sociology, MA, and BSc in Economics) is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the Department of Political and Social Sciences and an Associated Researcher of the Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality” at the University of Konstanz. She focuses on the topics of inequality, particularly related to families, education, and gender. She studies both how individual factors influence inequalities and how institutions shape and contribute to inequality and discrimination. More specifically, her research is located within the topics of social stratification, educational inequality and women in the labour market and education. Her most recent articles appeared in the Annual Review of Sociology, European Sociological review, Sociology, Work Employment and Society and Social Politics among others.  She is currently the principal investigator of PRIN PNRR 2022 funded IneqPer project (Inequality between reality and perception: socio-economic status, gender and immigration in Italy) and Co-Principal Investigator of PRIN 2022 funded MatGuilt project (Maternal guilt: Measurement, correlates, and policy solutions in the Italian context).

Prior to joining the University of Pavia she held academic positions at the University of Konstanz, the European University Institute, Irvapp and The University of Trento.   In 2021 she was a visiting research fellow at INVEST centre at the University of Turku. In 2009 she was a visiting research collaborator at Princeton University (Office of Population Research) and NYU (Department of Sociology). She has been an occasional consultant to the Eurofound and the UNDP.


Further information is available here.

Pamela Pansardi is Associate Professor in Political Science. Previously, she was Assistant Professor at the University of Pavia and Principal Investigator of the two-year research project “Gender and Power in Italian Politics” (funded by a Blue Sky Young Investigator Grant – University of Pavia) which focuses on the investigation of gender inequalities in power and representation in the Italian political system.
She obtained her PhD in Political Science from the University of Pavia in 2011 with a thesis entitled The Concept of Power: An Analysis. During her PhD studies, she has been visiting at New York University (2008) and Australian National University (2010).
Before returning to the University of Pavia in December 2017, she had been Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Milan (2016-2017) working for the project REScEU “Reconciling Economic and Social Europe: Values, Ideas, and Politics” funded by the European Research Council (Advanced Grant no. 340534) and led by Prof. Maurizio Ferrera, Research Fellow at the Centro Einaudi, Turin (2015-2016), Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Pavia (2012-2013), and Adam Smith Guest Professor at the University of Bayreuth (2012).


Further information is available here.


A graduate in Political Science from the Cesare Alfieri University in Florence, she began her experience in the international arena by participating in the European Union Election Observation Mission (EUNELSA) in South Africa in 1994.This was followed by international supervision and election observation missions in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia. In 1997 she became OSCE Election Officer in Bosnia-Herzegovina and in 1999 Return & Integration Officer in the OSCE Mission to Croatia, where she was responsible for the protection of human rights and minorities. In 2001 she became Head of Office in the Zadar Field Office, representing the OSCE Head of Mission in that county and promoting inter-ethnic reconciliation and civil society support activities. In 2003, she was Head of Office in the OSCE Mission in Kosovo (OMIK) where she worked on civil-military relations, analysis of the local political situation and minority return processes. In 2006, she was appointed Deputy Director of Regional Centre. An expert in Post-War Reconstruction and Peacebuilding, she returned to Italy and collaborated with ISPI in the field of Training, eventually becoming Head of the ISPI School. After a period of activity in the field of learning by doing, she returned to ISPI once again in the capacity of Head of the School.

Further information is available here.


Ilaria Poggiolini is Chair Professor of International History at the University of Pavia. Her research activities and publications focus on post-WWII international peace-making: Italy, Japan, and Vietnam; political and diplomatic relations between Italy and the Allies in the 1940s and ‘50s; British accession to the EEC, Ostpolitik in the 1970s and 1980s and Public Diplomacy. She is presently completing a book on European policies in Britain from the 1970s to Brexit. She is a Member of the Scientific Committee for the publication of Italian diplomatic documents (MAECI) and Associate of Italian Studies at Oxford. Recently, she has been SCR Fellow at the European Study Centre, St Antony’s College, University of Oxford and Associate of the Transatlantic Relations Programme at LSE IDEAS, London School of Economics (London). She has taught at the Universities of Florence, Milan and Sassari and been appointed a Fellow of the Fulbright and NATO programs and of the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University (US).


Further information is available here.


Riccardo Puglisi is professor of public economics at the University of Pavia and a corresponding member of Istituto Lombardo – Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. His main research interests include the political role of mass media, public finance, and the economic role of political institutions. He has published in international journals in economics and political science such as the Journal of the European Economic Association, the Journal of Politics, and the Journal of Public Economics.


Further information is available here.




Further information is available here.

Eugenio Salvati is Assistant Professor in Political Science at the Department of Political and Social
Sciences, University of Pavia. He obtained his PhD in Political Science from the University of
Pavia in 2012 with a thesis on the institutionalization of the European Parliament. In 2009 he has
been visiting student at the University of Antwerp. He has been Post Doctoral fellow (2015; 2018-
2022) at the Department of Economics and Management, University of Pavia. He is a member of
the Italian Society of Political Science. He is a member of the editorial staff of the peer-reviewed
journal Quaderni di Scienza Politica.

Further information is available here.

Carola Ricci is Associate Professor of International Law with tenure (for undergraduate, graduate and LLM courses), including currently International Law (undergraduate, in English and in Italian), Human Rights and International Justice (graduate, in English), International Dispute Settlement (graduate, in English), Responsible Production and Consumption of Food (in English, open badge course) at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the Università degli Studi di Pavia,
Italy; faculty board member of the PhD Course in Public Law, Criminal Justice and International Law (Dottorato di ricerca in diritto pubblico, giustizia penale e internazionale) in conjunction with the Department of Law, Università degli Studi di Pavia (previously named PhD Course in Public Law, Dottorato di ricerca in diritto pubblico of the Faculty of Political Science of the Università degli Studi di Pavia); faculty board member of the Master Course in “Immigrazione, genere, modelli
familiari e strategie di integrazione” (Migration, Gender, Family Models and Integration Stategies). Full professor qualification in International Law under the Italian education system (i.e. “Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale”, scientific area “IUS 13_Diritto internazionale”)

Since November 2002: Avvocato (Lawyer), Admitted to the Bar, Milan, Italy, included in the special list of professors and officials employed in Public Bodies


Further information is available here.


Massimo Zaccaria is a graduate in Oriental Studies of the University of Venice, and holder of a doctorate in African Studies (1994, University of Siena) and post-doc (1998-99, University of Pavia). In 2000 he has obtain a B.A in Library and Information Studies Diploma from the University of Bologna (sede di Ravenna). Since 2015 he is Associate Professor in African History at the Department of Political and Social Science of the University of Pavia.

Further information is available here.

Visiting Professors
Aris Trantidis

Aris Trantidis

University of Lincoln

Causes and consequences of political inequality (Spring 2024)

Aris Trantidis is a Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at the University of Lincoln. He previously held research and teaching positions at King’s College London, the European University Institute (EUI) in Italy and George Mason University in the United States. Aris has a multidisciplinary background with studies in politics, law, and political economy, and holds degrees from King's College London, the London School of Economics, the University of Surrey, the University of Athens and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. His research stands at the intersection of politics, political theory and political economy, with publications on democratic theory, clientelism, climate politics, economic policy, foreign policy analysis, semi-authoritarian regimes, and the epistemology of social sciences. His  work has been published in leading international journals such as the Journal of European Public PolicyPolitical Research Quarterly, Politics, the British Journal of Politics and International RelationsPolityPublic ChoiceSouth European Society and PoliticsInternational Studies ReviewConstitutional Political Economy, and Democratization among others. His book, Clientelism and Economic Policy: Greece and the Crisis (Routledge 2016) develops a novel approach of clientelism and its impact on economic policy.

Richard Caplan










Richard Caplan

University of Oxford

International Relations in the Post-Cold War Era (Fall 2023)


Richard Caplan is Professor of International Relations and an Official Fellow of Linacre College. His principal research interests are concerned with international organisations and conflict management, with a particular focus on peacekeeping and 'post-conflict' peace- and state-building. He is the author and editor of several books, among them Europe's New Nationalism: States and Minorities in Conflict (Oxford University Press, 1996); A New Trusteeship? The International Administration of War-torn Territories (IISS/Routledge, 2002); Europe and the Recognition of New States in Yugoslavia (Cambridge University Press, 2005); International Governance of War-torn Territories: Rule and Reconstruction (Oxford University Press, 2005); and Exit Strategies and State Building (Oxford University Press, 2012). His most recent book is Measuring Peace: Principles, Practices and Politics (Oxford University Press, 2019).


Andrea Ruggeri











Andrea Ruggeri

University of Oxford
International Security and Conflict (Fall 2023)

Andrea Ruggeri is Professor of Political Science and International Relations and Director of the Centre for International Studies at the University of Oxford. Prof. Ruggeri joined Brasenose College and the Department of Politics an International Relations at the University of Oxford in 2014. Previously, he was Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Amsterdam from 2010. He holds a PhD in Government from the University of Essex (2011), an MA International Relations (Essex, 2006) and a BA in Diplomatic and International Sciences (Genova, 2005). His current research deals with civil wars and peacekeeping. His broader research interests include collective political violence, state development, and comparative politics in Africa and Middle East. His research has been published in the British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, International Security, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Peace Research, International Interactions, International Organization, International Peacekeeping, International Studies Review, Political Geography, Political Science Research & Methods and edited volumes.

Seminars held on the following topics:

  • Theories and Concepts of Security
  • The Causes of Interstate War
  • Civil Wars and Terrorism
  • Regional Security
  • Cyber Threats and Cybersecurity
James E. Cronin













James E. Cronin (Boston College, Massachusetts)
Transatlantic Relations from Detente
to the Post Cold War Era fall 2015

Professor Cronin teaches modern British and European history. Over the past decade, his research interests have involved the relationship between states and social structures, political parties, and the rise and fall of the Cold War world order. His most recent book focused on the making of “New Labour” in Britain and its implications for the evolution of social democracy in Europe. He is currently working on a study of British and American foreign policy, and the Anglo-American alliance, since the crisis of the 1970s. Professor Cronin is an associate of the Center for European Studies at Harvard University, where he chairs the British Study Group, and he serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Social History and British Politics. He has been awarded fellowships by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the German Marshall Fund and is a fellow of the Royal Historical Society.


Transatlantic Relations from Detente to the Post Cold War Era

Seminars held on the following topics:

  •  The “Year of Europe”, the Yom Kippur War, the first oil crisis, and Helsinki.
  • Détente unraveling, apparent Soviet advances, Carter administration policy from détente to malaise and rearmament and Carter doctrine, Iran and Afghanistan.
  • Economic crisis and the turn to markets. Reagan and Thatcher. The “single market” in Europe. The debt crisis and the “Washington Consensus.”
  • The Second Cold War, rearmament, human rights, and democracy promotion (PolandandLatin America).
  • Gorbachev, perestroika, collapse. Arms control and the end of the confrontation.
  • After 1989.
Chunrong Liu










Chunrong Liu (Fudan University, Shanghai)
China's Political and Economic
Transformation – Implications for Policies
at Home and Abroad fall 2015

Dr. LIU is interested in the comparative study of state-society relations and Chinese Politics. He obtained his Ph.D. from the City University of Hong Kong in 2005 and has been a post-doctoral researcher at Georgetown University.

He is an Associate Professor of Political Science atSchoolofInternational Relations and Public Affairs of Fudan University. He has been serving as Executive Vice Director of the Fudan-European Center for China Studies at University of Copenhagen since 2013.

He is interested in the comparative study of state-society relations and in Chinese politics and has published widely on China’s governance transformation at local and grassroots levels.


China‘s Political and Economic Transformation – Implications for Policies at Home and Abroad

China’s unprecedented transformation in the context of globalization, marketization, and urbanization has led to an urgent demand for a more nuanced and in-depth study and understanding of China’s political evolution.

What are the critical domestic changes and challenges in Chinese politics today?

How does the Chinese leadership seek to respond to them and what are the implications of its institutional and strategic choices for the development of Chinese regional and global foreign and security policies?

Set against the backdrop of China’s political (and economic) transformation processes and its emergence as a major power, the envisioned lecture series will examine the dynamics of Chinese domestic politics and the main issues on the agenda of China’s political development. Furthermore, the lectures will examine the impact of China’s political transformation on politics and security in and beyond Asia.

Marta Bo

Marta Bo International Criminal Justice before the ICC fall 2015

Dr. Marta Bo is a Visiting Professional at the Office of Public Counsel for Victims at the International Criminal Court. She holds an LL.M. from the University of Leiden and a Ph.D. from the University of Genoa, Italy. She has previously worked as a lawyer in two criminal law firms in Italy, at the ICTY (2007), and the International Bar Association Human Rights Institute in London (2013). She works pro bono for the Peace and Justice Initiative, an NGO whose ultimate aim is the universal effective implementation of the ICC Statute and which, for that purpose, is involved in drafting amicus curiae briefs before national and international courts. She currently lectures at Bocconi University.




International Criminal Justice before the ICC

Objectives of the Course:
The purpose of the course is to acquaint students with the fundamentals of international criminal law and policy. An overview of substantive and procedural issues of international criminal law will be offered.
Subsequently, selected controversial issues related to the work of the International Criminal Court will be presented and discussed.
First, the Court’s relationship with States and the United Nations Security Council will be scrutinized through the lens of the principle of complementarity and the impact of the United Nations Security Council’s referrals on the practice before the Court. Second, the Court’s underlying political dimension and the critiques leveled against it will be explored. Finally, the legal framework for victims’ participation and the principles of reparation provided for by the Rome Statute and recent case law will be critically assessed.

Mode of Instruction:
Aside from attending classes, students will be guided through the analysis of relevant excerpts of ICC’s decisions in order to strengthen their ability to interpret and analyze legal documents.

Jens Steffek











Jens Steffek (Technische Universität Darmstadt) The Legitimacy of
International Governance fall 2015

Jens Steffek is a Professor of Transnational Governance at Technische Universität Darmstadt and Principal Investigator in the Cluster of Excellence “The Formation of Normative Orders”, hosted by the University of Frankfurt/Main. Before coming to Darmstadt worked at the University of Bremen, Jacobs University, and the Robert-Schuman-Centre for Advanced Studies in Florence/Italy. His current research interests include the theory and history of international organizations, international law, and cosmopolitan political theory. He is particularly interested in non-state actors in global governance and the possibilities of democratizing international political authority. Jens Steffek has published six books and some 50 journal articles and book chapters. He contributed, inter alia, to the European Journal of International Relations, Ethics & International Affairs, International Theory, Millennium, and Review of International Studies. He currently works on a monograph tracing the intellectual history of technocratic internationalism in the 20th century. Jens Steffek held visiting appointments at the University of Cambridge, the University of Montréal, LUISS Guido Carli (Rome), WissenschaftszentrumBerlinand the Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law at Heidelberg. From September 2015 to January 2016 he is a visiting professor in the Department of Political Science, University of Pavia.


The Legitimacy of International Governance


The legitimacy of International Governance: The UN and the Concept of Collective Security

The seminar concentrates on the institutional set-up of the United Nations (UN), the concept of collective security, and the competencies of the Security Council in cases of international conflict. It also addresses the successes and failures of the UN in managing global security.

The Legitimacy of International Governance: The Legitimacy of the UN

Discussion on institutions and procedures of the United Nations from a normative. In particular, the seminar focuses on the questions of the legitimacy of international institutions and their power over states and populations. Not least it gives the chance to reflect on the potential meanings of democracy in a global context.

Fausto Pocar









Fausto Pocar - Judge and Former President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia - Emeritus Professor of International Law at the University of Milan

Italian law professor Fausto Pocar was the Tribunal’s President between November 2005 and November 2008. He had previously served as the Vice-President between March 2003 and November 2005. Judge Pocar has been a Tribunal judge since 1 February 2000.

Judge Pocar is a Professor of International Law at the Law Faculty of the University of Milan, where he has also served as the Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences and as the Vice-Rector. He is the author of numerous publications on International Law, including Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Private International Law, and European Law. He has lectured at The Hague Academy of International Law. He is a member of the board of the Institute of International Law and  Vice-President of San Remo’s Institute of International Humanitarian Law, as well as a member of several other international law associations.

Judge Pocar has a long-standing experience in UN activities, in particular in the field of human rights and humanitarian law. He has served for 16 years (1984-2000) as a member of the Human Rights Committee under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and has been its Chairman (1991-92) and Rapporteur (1989-90). Further, he was appointed Special Representative of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights for visits to Chechnya and the Russian Federation during the 1995-6 conflict.

He has also chaired the informal working group that drafted, within the Commission on Human Rights, the Declaration on the rights of people belonging to national or ethnic, religious, or linguistic minorities, which was adopted in 1992 by the General Assembly. He has also been for a decade the Italian delegate to the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and its Legal Subcommittee.

Since his appointment to the ICTY, Judge Pocar has served as a Judge in a Trial Chamber, where he sat on the first case concerned with rape as a crime against humanity, and in the Appeals Chamber of the Tribunal, where he is still sitting. As a Judge of the Appeals Chamber, he is also a Judge of the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). On appeal, he has participated in the adoption of the final judgments in several ICTY and ICTR cases, heard both at The Hague and in Arusha, Tanzania.


- International Criminal Justice at a Crossroad

- Lights and Shadows in the Recent Development of International Criminal Law


Caroline Dufour








Caroline Dufour, York University fall 2016

Professor Dufour (BA, MA Laval, PhD Montréal) has published works in the areas of public administration education and administrative history. She teaches in the fields of public administration and policy analysis.

Caroline Dufour is an Associate Professor in the School of Public Policy and Administration and is appointed to the graduate Public Policy, Administration and Law Program. She earned her Ph.D. at the Université de Montréal. Her research interests include public administration education, administrative history, Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of fields, the visual dimension of public administration, and the relationship between public administration and the media. She teaches in the fields of public administration and policy analysis.

Research Interests

Public Administration , Politics and Government , History of public administration, Public administration and mass media, Administrative reform.

Dayong Niu

Dayong Niu,
Peking University fall 2016

Dr. Dayong Niu is the vice-president of Peking University, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, and a professor in the Peking University Department of History. He is also the head of the history department of Peking University, a vice-president of the Peking Undergraduate School, chief of the International Higher Education Institution “21st University Federation” (abbreviated as U21), a visiting research fellow at the Harvard University-Yenchin Institute, and a visiting research fellow at Tokyo University Oriental Culture Institute.

His major field is Modern Chinese History, especially postwar relations between China and big nations like America, England, and Japan. He has written and/or edited fourteen books, including A Cold War and Chinese Close Neighborhood Relations, and 90 theses.

Roberto Toscano









Roberto Toscano, Italian
Ambassador to India spring 2017

Roberto Toscano has been Italy’s Ambassador to India (2008-2010), after being for five years (2003-2008) Ambassador to Iran.

Until 2003, he was Head of Policy Planning at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and chaired the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Development Assistance Committee Network on conflict, peace, and development co-operation.

As a career diplomat, he has served in a number of other posts (Chile, USSR, Spain, United States, as well as at Italy’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations at Geneva).

He holds a degree in law from the University of Parma and an M.A. from the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, which he attended as a Fulbright fellow. In 1987-88 he was a Fellow at the Center for International Affairs of Harvard University.

From 2000-2003 he was a visiting professor of international relations in the Department of Political Science at LUISS University in Rome. Today is a visiting professor at IE University, Madrid.

He is the author of books and articles (on human rights, peacekeeping, conflict prevention, ethics, and international relations) published in Italy, the U.S., France, and Spain.

For more information on the visiting professor, please consult Roberto Toscano’s personal website: www.robertotoscano.org